Here are the top 20 things to do in Bosnia and Herzegovina:

  1. Explore the historic city of Sarajevo, known for its beautiful Ottoman-era architecture and fascinating history.
  2. Visit the iconic Stari Most bridge in Mostar, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  3. Take a walk through the beautiful old town of Pocitelj, a well-preserved medieval fortress town.
  4. Visit the beautiful Kravice Waterfalls, a series of cascading waterfalls and turquoise pools in the Herzegovina region.
  5. Take a dip in the thermal waters of the Banja Luka Hot Springs, known for their healing properties.
  6. Visit the stunning Blagaj Tekke, a beautiful 15th-century Islamic monastery built into the cliffs near Mostar.
  7. Explore the beautiful medieval town of Jajce, known for its stunning waterfall and historic fortress.
  8. Take a hike through the stunning Una National Park, known for its crystal-clear rivers, waterfalls, and diverse wildlife.
  9. Visit the beautiful Vrelo Bosne park, known for its lush greenery and beautiful streams.
  10. Explore the historic town of Travnik, known for its beautiful Ottoman-era architecture and stunning mountain scenery.
  11. Visit the impressive fortress of Stari Grad in the city of Doboj, one of the largest and most well-preserved medieval fortresses in the Balkans.
  12. Take a tour of the beautiful Dervish House in the city of Blagaj, a stunning example of Ottoman-era architecture and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  13. Explore the picturesque town of Trebinje, known for its beautiful historic buildings and stunning natural surroundings.
  14. Visit the beautiful Krupa Waterfalls, a series of cascading waterfalls and turquoise pools in the northwestern part of the country.
  15. Take a stroll through the beautiful town of Bihac, known for its stunning medieval architecture and beautiful natural surroundings.
  16. Visit the impressive Gazi Husrev-bey Mosque in Sarajevo, one of the most important Islamic structures in the country.
  17. Explore the historic town of Srebrenik, known for its beautiful medieval fortress and stunning mountain views.
  18. Take a scenic drive through the beautiful Bosnian countryside, known for its stunning landscapes and rugged terrain.
  19. Visit the beautiful old town of Visegrad, known for its historic Ottoman-era architecture and stunning views of the Drina River.
  20. Take a hike through the beautiful Sutjeska National Park, known for its rugged mountain landscapes and diverse wildlife.

Bosnia and Herzegovina, located in Southeastern Europe, is a country with a rich and complex history, characterized by both conflict and diversity. It borders Croatia to the north, Serbia to the east, and Montenegro to the southeast, while the Adriatic Sea lies to the southwest.

Bosnia and Herzegovina gained independence from Yugoslavia in 1992, but its recent history has been marked by the 1992-1995 Bosnian War, which resulted in the deaths of over 100,000 people and the displacement of over two million. The war was fueled by ethnic and religious tensions between the country’s three main ethnic groups: Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims), Serbs, and Croats. The Dayton Accords, signed in 1995, ended the war and established Bosnia and Herzegovina as a federal republic made up of two entities: the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (predominantly Bosniak and Croat) and the Republika Srpska (predominantly Serb).

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country of stunning natural beauty, with diverse landscapes that range from the snow-capped peaks of the Dinaric Alps to the lush forests of central Bosnia and the sandy beaches of the Adriatic coast. The country’s capital and largest city is Sarajevo, a cosmopolitan center that blends Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, and Yugoslav influences.

Despite its tumultuous history, Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country with a rich cultural heritage, reflected in its music, literature, and art. The country is home to numerous historical landmarks and monuments, including the medieval castle of Blagaj, the 16th-century bridge of Mostar, and the Stari Most (Old Bridge) in Mostar, which was destroyed during the Bosnian War and rebuilt in 2004.

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s economy has undergone significant changes since the war, with a focus on developing its private sector and increasing foreign investment. The country has a young and highly-educated population, with a literacy rate of 98%. However, Bosnia and Herzegovina continues to face challenges related to high levels of corruption, political instability, and ethnic divisions.