Equatorial Guinea is a small country in Central Africa that offers a range of cultural and natural attractions. Here are the top 20 things to do in Equatorial Guinea:

  1. Visit the Malabo Cathedral, a beautiful landmark and a symbol of the country’s Catholic heritage.
  2. Take a boat ride through the mangrove swamps of the Pico Malabo Nature Reserve.
  3. Explore the colonial architecture of the city of Bata, the country’s largest city.
  4. Visit the Monte Alen National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and home to a range of wildlife and plant species.
  5. Take a dip in the clear waters of the Annobon Island, a beautiful and remote island that offers a chance to escape from it all.
  6. Learn about the country’s history at the Museum of Equatorial Guinea in Malabo.
  7. Take a guided tour of the UNESCO-listed Fort of San Carlos de la Cabaña, a historic fortification that played a role in the country’s colonial history.
  8. Visit the city of Mongomo, the birthplace of the country’s longtime president Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo.
  9. Take a walk along the beaches of Luba, a coastal town known for its stunning scenery and relaxed atmosphere.
  10. Visit the Presidential Palace, a grand building located in the heart of Malabo.
  11. Explore the traditional villages of the Bubi people, an indigenous group that has inhabited the island of Bioko for centuries.
  12. Take a hike through the lush rainforests of Bioko Island, which are home to a range of exotic plant and animal species.
  13. Visit the city of Ebebiyin, a bustling commercial hub that is home to a range of markets and shops.
  14. Attend a local football match, which is a popular pastime in Equatorial Guinea.
  15. Go birdwatching in the Ureka Reserve, a protected area that is home to a range of endemic bird species.
  16. Take a guided tour of the Equatorial Guinea National Library and Museum in Malabo.
  17. Visit the Basilica of Santa Isabel, a historic church that was built in the early 20th century.
  18. Go snorkeling or diving in the crystal-clear waters of the Gulf of Guinea, which is home to a range of marine life.
  19. Learn about the culture of the Fang people, the largest ethnic group in Equatorial Guinea.
  20. Take a boat tour of the Muni River, which offers a glimpse into the country’s rural way of life.

Equatorial Guinea is a small country located in Central Africa, bordered by Cameroon to the north, Gabon to the south and east, and the Gulf of Guinea to the west. The country has a total area of approximately 28,050 square kilometers, making it one of the smallest countries on the continent. Its population is estimated to be around 1.4 million people, with the majority living in the urban areas of the country.

The country’s official languages are Spanish, French, and Portuguese, reflecting the diverse colonial heritage of the country. The Equatoguinean economy is largely based on oil and gas production, with the country being the third-largest oil producer in sub-Saharan Africa. However, despite the country’s oil wealth, poverty and inequality remain significant challenges for the government.

Equatorial Guinea has a tropical climate with high humidity throughout the year. The country’s terrain is mostly composed of coastal plains, with some areas of rugged terrain and hills in the interior. The country is also known for its rich biodiversity, with a range of wildlife including gorillas, chimpanzees, elephants, and antelopes.

The country has a unique political system, with President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo being the longest-serving leader in Africa, having been in power since 1979. The government is often criticized for human rights abuses and corruption, with the country ranking low on the Human Development Index.

Equatorial Guinea has a rich cultural heritage, with a mix of traditional African and colonial influences. The country’s national dance is the balélé, a lively and colorful dance performed during celebrations and festivals. Other traditional art forms in the country include mask making, wood carving, and pottery.

Tourism is a relatively small industry in the country, but Equatorial Guinea does offer visitors the opportunity to experience the country’s natural beauty and cultural heritage. Popular attractions include the Monte Alen National Park, which is home to a variety of wildlife, including the critically endangered gorillas, and the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Cidade Velha, a colonial town on the island of Bioko.