Here are 20 of the best things to do in Malta:

  1. Visit Valletta – Malta’s capital city and a UNESCO World Heritage site.
  2. Explore the ancient city of Mdina – known as the “silent city” for its peaceful atmosphere.
  3. Take a boat tour of the Blue Grotto – a series of sea caves and crystal clear waters.
  4. Go swimming or sunbathing at the popular Golden Bay beach.
  5. Visit the historic Hal Saflieni Hypogeum – an underground prehistoric temple.
  6. Learn about Malta’s long and varied history at the National Museum of Archaeology.
  7. Stroll through the charming fishing village of Marsaxlokk and try some fresh seafood.
  8. Explore the medieval fortifications of the Three Cities – Birgu, Senglea and Cospicua.
  9. Take a ferry to the island of Gozo and visit the ancient Ggantija temples.
  10. Visit St. John’s Co-Cathedral – a stunning Baroque church in Valletta.
  11. Admire the views from the Upper Barrakka Gardens – a popular spot for watching the sunset.
  12. Wander through the colorful and bustling streets of Sliema.
  13. Take a dip in the crystal clear waters of Comino’s Blue Lagoon.
  14. Go on a wine tasting tour in the countryside.
  15. Visit the Tarxien Temples – a complex of prehistoric structures dating back to 3600 BC.
  16. Hike or cycle through the scenic Dingli Cliffs.
  17. Take a cooking class and learn to make traditional Maltese dishes.
  18. Visit the Mnajdra Temples – a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the oldest free-standing structures in the world.
  19. Explore the picturesque village of Marsaskala and its charming harbor.
  20. Go scuba diving and explore Malta’s vibrant marine life.

Malta is a small island country in the Mediterranean Sea, situated between Sicily and the North African coast. The country consists of three inhabited islands – Malta, Gozo, and Comino – and several smaller uninhabited ones. With a population of around 514,000 people, Malta is one of the smallest and most densely populated countries in the world.

Malta has a rich history and cultural heritage, with evidence of human activity on the islands dating back to 5200 BC. The country has been ruled by various powers over the centuries, including the Phoenicians, Romans, Arabs, Normans, and Knights of St. John. In 1964, Malta gained independence from Britain and became a republic in 1974.

Today, Malta is a popular tourist destination known for its beautiful beaches, crystal-clear waters, and historic landmarks such as the medieval walled city of Mdina and the ancient Megalithic Temples of Malta, which are among the oldest free-standing structures in the world. The capital city of Valletta, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is also a major attraction, with its stunning Baroque architecture, museums, and art galleries.

In addition to tourism, Malta’s economy is driven by industries such as financial services, gaming, and information technology. The country has a highly educated workforce and is known for its business-friendly policies and low tax rates, which have attracted many international companies to set up operations there.

Malta is also a member of the European Union and the United Nations, and is known for its political stability, safety, and strong rule of law. The official languages of Malta are Maltese and English, and the country has a rich cultural scene that includes music, theatre, and traditional festivals such as the Feast of St. Paul’s Shipwreck and Carnival.