Here are 20 things to do in Tunisia:

  1. Explore the ancient ruins of Carthage, once the most powerful city in the Mediterranean world.
  2. Visit the Bardo Museum in Tunis, which boasts one of the world’s largest collections of Roman mosaics.
  3. Wander around the old Medina of Tunis, a UNESCO World Heritage site that dates back to the 7th century.
  4. Go to the beautiful village of Sidi Bou Said, known for its picturesque white and blue houses and stunning sea views.
  5. Take a desert safari through the Sahara, and stay in a traditional Bedouin camp.
  6. Visit the ancient Roman city of Dougga, considered one of the best-preserved Roman ruins in North Africa.
  7. Take a stroll through the ancient village of Kairouan, home to many beautiful mosques and considered the fourth holiest city in Islam.
  8. Spend a day at the beach in Hammamet, one of Tunisia’s most popular resort towns.
  9. Take a tour of the El Jem Amphitheater, one of the largest and best-preserved Roman amphitheaters in the world.
  10. Visit the oasis of Tozeur, known for its beautiful date palms and traditional architecture.
  11. Take a dip in the hot springs of the Hammam Mellegue in Zaghouan, believed to have healing properties.
  12. Go on a wine-tasting tour in the beautiful coastal town of Kelibia, known for its vineyards and wineries.
  13. Explore the underground city of Matmata, where many scenes from the Star Wars films were shot.
  14. Visit the ancient city of Kerkouane, one of the few Phoenician cities still standing today.
  15. Hike through the stunning landscapes of the Jebel Zaghouan National Park.
  16. Take a dip in the crystal-clear waters of the Chott El Djerid salt lake.
  17. Visit the picturesque village of Chenini, located in the heart of the Berber region.
  18. Take a cooking class and learn to make traditional Tunisian dishes like brik, couscous, and tajine.
  19. Spend a day exploring the beautiful island of Djerba, home to some of Tunisia’s best beaches.
  20. Visit the ancient city of Thuburbo Majus, located in the heart of Tunisia’s wine country.

Tunisia is a country located in North Africa, bordered by Algeria to the west, Libya to the southeast, and the Mediterranean Sea to the north and east. Its capital and largest city is Tunis.

Tunisia has a rich history dating back to ancient times, including the Carthaginian Empire and the Roman Empire. It became an independent nation in 1956 and is now a parliamentary democracy with a president and a prime minister. The country has a diverse population, with Arab-Berber as the largest ethnic group and French, Italian, and Jewish minorities. The official language is Arabic, but French is also widely spoken, especially in business and government.

Tunisia is known for its beautiful Mediterranean coastline and sandy beaches, as well as its ancient ruins and historical sites. The country’s main industries are agriculture, tourism, and mining, with important exports including textiles, olive oil, and phosphates. Tunisia has made progress in developing its economy and infrastructure since its independence, but still faces challenges such as high unemployment and income inequality. The country has a mixed economy and has been praised for its economic reforms and investment climate.

Tunisia is also known for its political stability compared to other countries in the region, and has been a leader in promoting democracy and human rights. The country played a significant role in the Arab Spring uprisings in 2010-2011, leading to the ousting of long-time ruler Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. Since then, Tunisia has transitioned to a more democratic government and has made strides in protecting individual freedoms and improving access to education and healthcare.