Here are the top 20 things to do in Zimbabwe:

  1. Visit Victoria Falls, one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World
  2. Take a helicopter or microlight flight over Victoria Falls for stunning views
  3. Go on a sunset cruise on the Zambezi River
  4. Visit the Hwange National Park for wildlife sightings
  5. Explore the Matobo National Park for rock formations and wildlife
  6. Go on a walking safari in the Mana Pools National Park
  7. Visit the Great Zimbabwe ruins, a UNESCO World Heritage Site
  8. Go on a canoeing safari on the Zambezi River
  9. Visit the Gonarezhou National Park for wildlife sightings
  10. Take a guided tour of the Victoria Falls Rainforest
  11. Visit the Chinhoyi Caves for swimming and caving adventures
  12. Go on a cultural tour of the National Gallery of Zimbabwe in Harare
  13. Visit the Khami Ruins National Monument, a UNESCO World Heritage Site
  14. Go on a fishing safari on Lake Kariba
  15. Visit the Eastern Highlands for hiking and stunning views
  16. Go on a horse riding safari in the Matobo Hills
  17. Take a guided tour of the National Heroes Acre in Harare
  18. Visit the Nyanga National Park for hiking and bird watching
  19. Go on a hot air balloon safari over the Zambezi Valley
  20. Visit the National Botanic Gardens in Harare for a peaceful walk and picnic.

Zimbabwe, officially known as the Republic of Zimbabwe, is a landlocked country located in southern Africa. It is bordered by South Africa to the south, Botswana to the west, Zambia to the northwest, and Mozambique to the east. Its capital city is Harare.

Zimbabwe has a diverse geography, with the eastern highlands and the Zambezi River valley to the north being the most prominent features. The country has a tropical climate with rainy summers and dry winters. It is home to a range of wildlife, including elephants, lions, and rhinos, and has several national parks and reserves, such as Hwange National Park and Mana Pools National Park.

Zimbabwe has a rich history, with the ruins of Great Zimbabwe, a city that thrived in the 11th to 15th centuries, being a popular tourist attraction. The country was colonized by the British in the late 19th century, and gained independence in 1980. In the early years of independence, Zimbabwe experienced significant economic growth, but has since faced a number of economic and political challenges, including hyperinflation in the early 2000s.

Today, Zimbabwe is a presidential republic with a mixed economy that is largely based on agriculture, mining, and tourism. Its population is estimated to be around 14 million, and its official languages are English, Shona, and Ndebele. Zimbabwe is known for its beautiful landscapes, friendly people, and vibrant culture, which includes traditional music, dance, and art.