Here are the top 20 things to do in Iraq:

  1. Visit the ancient city of Babylon, which is known for its Hanging Gardens.
  2. Explore the ancient ruins of the city of Nineveh.
  3. Take a tour of the National Museum of Iraq in Baghdad to learn about the country’s rich history and culture.
  4. Visit the iconic Al-Mutanabbi Street in Baghdad, which is known for its book markets and street vendors.
  5. Explore the Erbil Citadel, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the oldest continuously inhabited settlements in the world.
  6. Take a stroll through the historic city of Samarra and visit the famous Great Mosque of Samarra.
  7. Explore the beautiful city of Sulaymaniyah, which is known for its stunning mountainous landscape and vibrant cultural scene.
  8. Visit the ancient city of Ur, which is believed to be the birthplace of Abraham, one of the most important figures in Abrahamic religions.
  9. Take a boat ride on the Shatt al-Arab river, which forms the border between Iraq and Iran.
  10. Visit the Saddam Hussein Museum in Baghdad to learn about the life and reign of the former dictator.
  11. Explore the Kurdish Heritage Museum in Erbil, which houses artifacts and exhibits about the Kurdish people and their history.
  12. Visit the ancient city of Ctesiphon, which was once the capital of the Parthian Empire.
  13. Take a tour of the famous Martyrs’ Monument in Baghdad, which commemorates the soldiers who died in the Iran-Iraq War.
  14. Explore the beautiful Al-Siq al-Muqaddam, which is an ancient trail that leads to the famous Al-Aqaba rock formation.
  15. Visit the impressive Ziggurat of Ur, which is one of the best-preserved ziggurats in Iraq.
  16. Take a tour of the Basra Museum, which is home to a collection of ancient artifacts from the region.
  17. Visit the Al-Hussein Mosque in Karbala, which is one of the holiest sites in Shia Islam.
  18. Take a stroll through the beautiful Zaitunay Bay in Beirut, which is known for its restaurants and shopping.
  19. Explore the vibrant city of Najaf, which is home to several important religious sites and shrines.
  20. Visit the impressive Arch of Ctesiphon, which is one of the largest single-span arches in the world.

Iraq is a country located in Western Asia, bordered by Turkey to the north, Iran to the east, Kuwait to the southeast, Saudi Arabia to the south, Jordan to the southwest, and Syria to the west. It has a population of approximately 41 million people and covers an area of 437,072 square kilometers.

Iraq has a long and rich history, with ancient civilizations such as Sumer, Babylon, and Assyria calling the region home. In the modern era, Iraq was part of the Ottoman Empire until its dissolution in World War I, and was then placed under British control as a League of Nations mandate. Iraq gained independence in 1932.

Iraq is home to a diverse population that includes Arabs, Kurds, Turkmen, Assyrians, and other groups. Arabic is the official language, while Kurdish is recognized as an official language in some areas. Islam is the predominant religion, with Shia Muslims making up the majority and Sunni Muslims and Christians comprising significant minorities.

Iraq is known for its vast oil reserves, which have played a significant role in its economy and politics. However, Iraq has also faced a number of challenges, including political instability, violence, and sectarian conflict. The country has undergone significant changes in recent years, including the overthrow of the Saddam Hussein regime and the rise of ISIS in the early 2010s.

Today, Iraq is a federal parliamentary republic with a president, prime minister, and council of ministers. The country has made progress in rebuilding its infrastructure and economy, but still faces many challenges, including ongoing violence and instability, corruption, and sectarian tensions. Despite these challenges, Iraq remains an important player in the Middle East region and has a rich cultural heritage that continues to influence the world.